Approval of Form 232 for reporting related-party transactions and transactions and situations related to countries or territories classified as tax havens
Corporate taxpayers and non-resident income taxpayers with permanent establishment must file form 232 and complete the “Information on related-party transactions” if they conduct the following transactions with related persons or entities:
a) Transactions conducted with the same related person or entity provided that the total amount of the consideration for all transactions in the tax period exceeds €250,000, in accordance with market value.
b) Specific transactions, provided that the aggregate amount of each of these transactions in the tax period exceeds €100,000.
However, it is not compulsory to complete the “Information on related-party transactions” in form 232 for transactions between entities belonging to the same consolidated tax group.
Regardless of the total amount of consideration for transactions conducted with the same related person or entity, it will always be compulsory to file form 232 and to complete the “Information on related-party transactions” in the case of transactions of the same type using the same valuation method provided that the total amount of transactions in the tax period exceeds 50% of the entity’s turnover.
This information must be submitted electronically via form 232.
For the 2016 financial year closed on December 31st , the deadline for submission will be between 1 November and 30 November 2017.
From the 2017 financial year closed on December 31st , the deadline for submission will be 30 November each year.